
Measuring the economic-spatial segregation of Tehran metropolis and its relationship with the spatial structure of the city

Pages 1-26
sahba golchinfar; khashayar kashanijou; Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi


Explanatory Pattern of Regional Development-Oriented Tourism (Case Study: Sari City)

Pages 27-61
Seyed Hassan Rasouli; Azita Rajabi; Sadroddin Motevalli


Analysis of Illegal Agricultural Land Use Conversions in Binalood County

Amin Faal Jalali; Maryam Ghasemi


Modeling the effects of high-rise development on urban environmental changes in Ahvaz metropolis with the approach of structural equations

Niloofar Azarbarzin; N M; Amirhossein Halabian; Mostafa Shahinifar


Enhancing sustainable rural development through villager participation: Empirical evidence from Dolat Abad area, Jiroft County

Naser Shafieisabet; Faezeh Ebrahimi pour


Evolutionary procedures of water resources management in the world: Transition from "Integrated Water Resources Management" to "Polycentric Governance of Water-Energy-Food Nexus"

Ameneh Yadegari; Abbas Amini; Ali Yousefi


Evaluation of the effects of water crisis and land subsidence phenomenon in rural areas of Neishabur plain

Jila Kalali Moghadam


Modeling obstacles to the realization of the electronic city (case example: Abdanan city)

Saeid amanpour; nahid arianejad


The infill development capacity in the urban deteriorated fabrics (case study: Some'e Bijār neighborhood of Rasht city)

Farzaneh Razeghi; Esmaeil Aghaeizadeh; Asghar Shokrgozar


Presenting the optimal model of regional development with the structure analysis approach (case study: Bojnord city)

Ramzan Ali Naderi Mayvan

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